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Live Pure Wings! 10.15

Video will not be published (Available Period: until 10/29/2022 (Sat) 23:59 JST)

1215-1230 ①ぴゅあ☆あいどる部
1230-1240 ②Sweet Cherry
1240-1250 ③ARIA
1250-1315 ④くろいわ いさを。withらぁ
1315-1330 ⑤安藤信平
1335-1400 ⑥Power of Smile
1400-1415 ⑦Ca-waii
1415-1430 ⑧ハロウィン仮装大賞

Purchase Ticket

Live Pure Wings! 10.15 3,000 JPY(tax included)

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